Giving Project
In January 2024, Hawai’i People’s Fund embarked on its 4th sail of our Giving Project journey to radically transform the way we move money to movements for real change from the roots up. This innovative, inclusive, intentional vessel provides safe and brave spaces for collaborations between diverse groups of people, bringing together shared values, passions, and abilities that center around intergenerational progress and socio-cultural wellbeing.
Our Giving Project journey promises to take our collective efforts to the next level.
For more information on how to connect directly with HPF, contact Micky Huihui, Executive Director at peoples@lava.net
The Giving Project
Giving Projects are created for individuals and families that want to strengthen their relationships, skills, understanding, leadership, and purpose to support meaningful community building that is genuinely in service to our stories, places, and people. Hearkening back to our roots as a part of the Funding Exchange network, HPF joins our FEX ‘ohana to uplift this social change model that has sustained Hawai’i’s grassroots movement for over 50 years.
The Giving Project interweaves a cross-class, cross-race, gender-diverse, intergenerational collective that shares a vision for a just and equitable Hawai’i to apply their time, talent, and resources to supporting movements for social change. The hui will work together virtually and in-person to learn about and connect with grassroots organizations here at home, deepen their understanding of Hawai’i’s unique history and contemporary social justice principles, and engage in collective liberation learning and practices to amplify and illuminate social change efforts throughout our pae ‘āina.

How do Giving Projects work?
The Giving Project is an experiential collaborative journey. It requires a commitment of your time and energy over a period of six months.
- The Giving Project is a cross-class, multiracial hui of 15-20 people that commit to gathering in sessions over the course of 6 months (2 sessions per month)
- Through these collaborative sessions, the hui co-develops a shared understanding of how injustice, racism, classism, and power plays out in Hawaiʻi
- Each hui member commits to moving money to grassroots organizations through community-sourced grants and relationship building. The HPF Giving Project facilitators will provide meaningful tools, experiences, and resources, supporting you along the way.
- Hui members will learn and experience HPF’s consensus-based grantmaking process. You will have the opportunity to build relationships with grantees, read about the important work they are doing in community, participate in site visits to meet the change makers, make collective decisions, and provide community-raised resources to inspiring social change and environmental movement builders in Hawaiʻi.
Giving Projects are collaborative community processes that will explore:
- Community building, including personal storytelling, group activities, and discussions while setting personal & collective goals
- Meaningful learning about classism and racism, and its history in Hawaiʻi
- Social justice philanthropy, underscoring HPF’s grantmaking criteria and decision-making processes
- Community-led giving focused on grassroots fundraising
- Ongoing relationship building through HPF’s network and other Giving Project hui members
- Site visits and virtual talk story sessions with grassroot organizations to learn more about their initiatives
- Collaborative decision making and grantmaking
- Celebrate community successes, evaluate the process, and uplift the collective relationships built through the Giving Project
What kinds of organizations are funded through the Giving Project?
The Giving Project hui will collaborate with HPF’s annual grantmaking process, resourcing grassroots community organizing led by the people most impacted by injustice and working towards transformative systemic change. More specifically, we will move resources to organizations that:
- …are led by the people most directly affected by the issues they are addressing
- …continually build leadership from within their own communities, membership, and support base
- …actively address the root causes of inequity impacting Hawaiʻi, not just the symptoms
- …bring people together to build power collectively
- …use that power to create transformative systemic change, which includes shape shifting unjust power relations
- …see themselves as part of a larger collective movement for social change
Who can participate in a Giving Project?
- People who are committed to equity, social, and environmental justice (even if you’re still figuring out what that looks like in practice)
- People of any class identity, with or without access to wealth
- People ready to fully commit to the Giving Project experiential process
- You do not have to be an HPF member prior to joining a Giving Project
- You do not have to know anything about grassroots organizations, non-profits, philanthropy, community resourcing or the giving focus of the project
- You do not have to donate any particular amount of resources; there is no minimum or maximum amount
DO join the Giving Project if you…
- …want to build community with a group of people committed to genuine conversations, collaborative experiences, and growing together
- …want to work as a collective to move money to powerful grassroots organizing throughout Hawaiʻi
- …want to learn how to engage in community giving practices
- …have the space to take on a powerful and transformative experience for the next 6 months
I’m interested, but uncomfortable with grantmaking and community giving. What should I do?
A lot of people are not comfortable with community-led giving — a lot of us feel uncomfortable and avoid doing it even in support of really important work. There are many reasons for this, and we all explore these reasons together. Weʻll learn how to ask for resources effectively, and support each other through the process. Weʻll get real clear about why we are doing it, and become organizers capable of engaging with others to move resources to movement work. We ask every Giving Project hui member to rise to the occasion, which will mean different things to different people. And you’ll have lots of kōkua along the way!
I’m not in Hawaiʻi at the moment. Can I still participate in a Giving Project?
We can make accommodations for people who want to participate outside of Hawaiʻi. Please contact us to discuss how we can help you participate in a Giving Project.
Hawaiʻi People’s Fund is proud to collaborate with other community foundations and justice funders in the national development of the Giving Project model. The following funds offer Giving Projects in their cities as well:
- Bread & Roses Community Fund – Philadelphia, PA
- Chinook Fund – Denver, CO
- Crossroads Fund – Chicago, IL
- Headwaters Foundation for Justice – Minneapolis, MN
- Maine Initiatives – Portland, ME
- North Star Fund – New York, NY
- Social Justice Fund Northwest – Seattle, WA
- Transforming Power Fund – Detroit, MI
I’m interested, but can’t participate this time. How else can I support the Giving Project?
- Fund the Power! We invite you to donate to any of our past or present Grantees, or give to HPF directly to support the work.
- PLUG IN to upcoming opportunities to engage with our granteesʻ work by visiting HPFʻs Grantees Events, Activities, and Initiatives Calendar