Academic Labor United

Academic Labor United (ALU) fights to organize graduate workers of the University of Hawaiʻi System by empowering them with the skills and knowledge necessary to hold their employers, the State of Hawaiʻi and the University, accountable. Even as their labor is recognized by the University as fundamental to its success (such that University representatives have admitted that UH could NOT run without graduate assistants) their work is continually devalued by the State and University administration that refuses to pay them a living wage, insists that their status as students means they shouldn’t rely on GA-ships to make ends meet, has no viable process by which grievances from GAs can be addressed, and has failed multiple times to keep GAs safe in their working environments. When GAs become successfully unionized, and ALU becomes the exclusive bargaining representative, they would become the first new public employee union in 50 years, a huge win for the working class of Hawaiʻi.