Kaiāulu Initiatives

Kaiāulu Initiatives is more than a project; it’s a movement to restore, protect, and empower the Lāhaina community by transforming the landscape and reinvigorating sustainable practices and cultural education.

Kaiāulu Initiatives emerged in response to the catastrophic Lāhaina Fire on August 8, 2023, with a clear mission rooted in healing and community restoration. Their goal is to transform the landscape above Lāhaina to ensure that such a tragedy never occurs again. In the face of climate change and increasing droughts, the hui aims to create a thriving watershed that will drastically reduce the risk of wildfires. Their vision is a vibrant watershed above Lāhaina, teeming with native plants essential to traditional Hawaiian practices, and providing food to nourish the community. Once established, this watershed will replenish the aquifer and serve as a natural fire break, protecting the town and homes below. Their primary focus is on replacing the abandoned, fallow lands currently overrun by invasive plants, and by introducing native species, they aim to recreate a traditional watershed. Presently, there is no free-flowing water in the area or in nā auwai, so they utilize donations of water totes and a trailered water buffalo to maintain a consistent water supply for the plants. Tiny structures have been built to house the 300-gallon totes, which are elevated and shaded for gravity-fed irrigation.

In addition to replanting acreage above Lāhaina with the goal to extend efforts across West Maui (Honokohau to Launiupoko), they plan to host educational workshops focusing on agricultural techniques and cultural knowledge such as composting, companion planting, plant medicine, the significance of plants in Hawaiian culture, and socio-economic issues facing Native Hawaiians. They also envision a greenhouse for hālau plants starts and to grow fresh food in a hydroponic system addressing food scarcity in our community.
