
  • Hoʻōla Hou iā Kalauao revives and brings life to Kalauao, an ahupuaʻa in the moku of ʻEwa on the island of Oʻahu. Their vision is a thriving and abundant ʻEwa moku beginning with the ahupuaʻa of Kalauao. Recognizing the negative impacts of urban development and militarization on both our ʻāina and kānaka of ʻEwa, the…

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  • Sex Worker’s Outreach Project Hawaiʻi (SWOP Hawaiʻi) is a grassroots organization led by sex workers, advocating for the safety, healing, and liberation of marginalized communities engaged in consensual adult labor. Through direct support services, mutual aid, and community empowerment initiatives, they address systemic discrimination at the intersections of race, gender, and class. The hui’s work…

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  • Founded in 2017, The Pōpolo Project is committed to redefining perceptions of Black people in Hawai‘i and creates deep reconnection to ourselves as individuals, to our community, our ancestors, and the lands that sustain us. They envision a just and inclusive future for Hawai‘i, brought forward by exploring shared histories and culture to intentionally build…

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  • Founded in 2016, Wisdom Circles Oceania, fosters healing and community justice through artistic expression. Their work builds community power and forges a stronger movement for social justice in Hawaiʻi by focusing on creating a community of care that centers youth voices, community workers, and accessible creative spaces for all ages. They prioritize inclusivity, particularly for…

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  • ‘Ohana Ho’opakele was founded by kūpuna as an intervention to the disproportionate number of Kānaka Maoli in Hawai’i’s prisons. The hui began this journey by opposing the building of new prisons on Hawai’i Island, and their research illuminated the goal to build a Pu’uhonua (Wellness Center) to provide healing before they returned back into society.…

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  • Circular HI is a conduit and connector of dots in Maui’s circular economy, centering the restablishment of indigenous models of circularity and incubate collaborative efforts to increase participation in circular-based practices. Circular Hawaiʻi is a collaborative effort between various initiatives related to circular economic models that emerged in 2022 to respond to the impact of…

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  • KAHEA is working to address the failure of government to protect Hawaiʻi communities and natural resources. Their members include Hawaiian cultural practitioners, aloha ‘āina advocates, and environmental conservationists. Mobilizing aloha ‘āina communities in ways that realize their collective strength, intelligence, and vision, the hui seeks to build networks of politically conscious folks across Hawai’i by…

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  • Protecting Oceania brings together Pasifika philosophers and grassroots organizers to forge new alliances, formations, strategies, and tactics rooted in their own worldviews, to determine how best to address those issues causing the most harm to Pacific peoples. Their hope is that the Protecting Oceania convening is only the beginning of setting a new agenda of…

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  • PBC is a professional community-based collective growing a network of service providers and island families dedicated to education, support, and advocacy for birth and wellness choices across Hawai’i. PBC hit the ground running on August 10 by opening their facility to the community as a donation site for items specific to pregnant and birthing families…

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  • Nā Ki’ai o Maui (formerly Da Hui) mobilized under the leadership of Aunty Nettie, who is a resident of Lāhaina that was directly impacted by the fires. Aunty Nettie stepped up in the midst of the chaos to provide much needed leadership at War Memorial immediately following the disaster. She quickly mobilized her core team…

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