Urgent Action Grants
Hawaiʻi People’s Fund believes the work of our grantees present VIABLE SOLUTIONS to the current crisis, and despite the challenges that COVID-19 has presented, we choose to use this time as our chance to usher in a new way of living, loving, and being a part of something bigger than ourselves.
We understand that low-income families, houseless communities, service workers, people with disabilities, people who are incarcerated, indigenous, immigrant, and communities of color are disproportionately impacted by the crisis (in addition to ongoing systemic oppression). Community organizing is essential at this moment to counter racism and xenophobia, and to provide new models of care and ensure our most vulnerable communities can stay safe.
MAHALO for your kōkua to make this happen, allowing us to expand our collective reach during this critical time!!
Urgent Action Grantees
Hui o Kuapā
Hui o Kuapā educates local and global communities about Native Hawaiian biocultural resource management through the restoration, use, and maintenance of Moloka’i’s loko i’a (traditional Hawaiian fishponds) and their adjacent lands. The restoration of ‘Ōhalahala pond in the ahupua’a of Kūmimi on Moloka’i’s East end continues the hui’s legacy to ho’ohanohano (uplift and honor) fishpond…
Ka Lamakū La’akea
Ka Lamakū La’akea, the sacred light within, or the torch of the sacred light. Their mission is to bring light to the world, to elevate and to expand human consciousness through healing, prayer, and ceremony, through perpetuation & practice of ‘ōlelo Hawai’i and Hawaiian culture, by fostering spiritual wayfinding and awareness. Ka Lamakū La’akea hopes…
Kalauokekahuli supports Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people by providing culturally-based perinatal support and education. Through Ka ʻĀmana Mentorship Program Cohort ʻElua, they seek to continue directly addressing Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander disparities in birth outcomes by sustainably growing a solid foundation of four additional Kalauokekahuli Koʻokua, supplementing their six Cohort…
Ke Ao Hali’i
Ke Ao Haliʻi protects and preserves the natural cultural resources of the Hāna moku and the customary traditional practices of Native Hawaiians of the region to hold title to and own interests in real property or to hold easements to preserve and manage the area’s natural, scenic, historic, and marine resources for the benefit, education, and enjoyment…
Ke Kula Nui o Waimānalo
Ke Kula Nui O Waimānalo (KKNOW) is a grassroots community-based organization established in 2017 by individuals from diverse backgrounds all hailing from the Waimānalo ahupua’a. The organization’s vision, Kūkulu Kaiāulu (building community), aims to help Waimānalo become self-sustainable in every way, from the mountain to the sea. They activate their vision through free, culturally-grounded and…
Ko’olau Cooperative Community Hub
Ko’olau Cooperative Community Hub, empowered by farmers’ market farmers, believes that FOOD IS MEDICINE, and that communities are strengthened in well being, health, and prosperity. Over the course of a year, the hui reimagined what sustainability means for the Ko’olau community through their stewardship of the weekly farmers’ market at Ben Parker Elementary School, featuring…
Kūkulu Kumuhana o Anahola
Kūkulu Kumuhana o Anahola’s genesis sprang forth from the collective grief over a number of youth/young adult suicides and suicide attempts in the Hawaiian Homelands community of Anahola on the island of Kauaʻi. KKOA works to assist its young people in developing life skills that will strengthen their identity through Hawaiian values, build self-esteem, and…
Language Acquisition & Immersion for the New Generation (LAING)
Language Acquisition & Immersion for the New Generation (LAING)’s mission is to perpetuate, promote, preserve, and introduce the various heritage languages and cultures of the immigrant population of Hawai’i and the United States, and to use them as vehicles for community empowerment, heritage education, social services, and language and cultural access. Starting with the many…
Mālama Honua PCS
Mālama Honua Public Charter School Foundation, located in Waimānalo, O’ahu, supports Mālama Honua Public Charter School, which provides education that cultivates the caring, compassionate, and astute “mind of the navigator” in students and teachers alike by the appropriate application of indigenous Hawaiian values, inclusive of 21st century skills. Its values-based and placed-based learning environment emphasizes…