Urgent Action Grants
Hawaiʻi People’s Fund believes the work of our grantees present VIABLE SOLUTIONS to the current crisis, and despite the challenges that COVID-19 has presented, we choose to use this time as our chance to usher in a new way of living, loving, and being a part of something bigger than ourselves.
We understand that low-income families, houseless communities, service workers, people with disabilities, people who are incarcerated, indigenous, immigrant, and communities of color are disproportionately impacted by the crisis (in addition to ongoing systemic oppression). Community organizing is essential at this moment to counter racism and xenophobia, and to provide new models of care and ensure our most vulnerable communities can stay safe.
MAHALO for your kōkua to make this happen, allowing us to expand our collective reach during this critical time!!
Urgent Action Grantees
‘Āina Aloha Economic Futures
‘Āina Aloha Economic Futures is a coalition of organizations and individuals who are collaborating to produce a vision for Hawai’i’s future that is established on a core set of values that are grounded in and embrace our unique island identity, culture, and resources. The hui calibrates a course not only to recovery but rediscovery of…
God’s Country Waimānalo
God’s Country Waimānalo‘s mission is Ho’oulu a me Ho’ola Lāhui, to propagate and perpetuate the race. Established in 2005, they are committed to positively impacting the health and wellness of the Native Hawaiian community of Waimānalo, keiki to kūpuna. HPF funding supports their Ola Kino Program, which focuses on health and wellness by exposing keiki…
Hālau o Huluena
This lā‘au lapa‘au Master Class restores authentic traditional herbal healing practice in the community by creating and implementing a structure for active learning, immersing students in a tradition-based process of obtaining cultural competency. For just under a year, the hui has engaged in naʻau-based, ʻāina-based curriculum and approaches that convey traditional knowledge in the context…
Hanalei River Heritage Foundation
Mahalo No Ka Mea ʻAi is grounded in the belief that access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a cultural and human right, especially for those struggling with food & housing insecurity during the pandemic. HRHF prepares food baskets each week for the East Kauai houseless community (over 70% Kanaka Maoli), keeping them connected to…
Hawai’i Kids CAN
Founded in September 2017, Hawai’iKidsCAN: The Hawai’i Campaign for Achievement Now, is on a journey for the future of public education in Hawai’i — one in which all keiki have access to great schools, regardless of their zip code. Their movement uses research and communications, grassroots organizing, and direct advocacy to make that bright vision…
Hōlani Hāna
Hōlani Hāna is collaborating with a kīpuka in Central Maui that supports grassroots community-led collective action focused on the long-term healing and restoration of the ‘āina and ‘ohana impacted by the Maui fires. holanihana.org
Hui Aloha ‘Āina Momona
Hui Aloha ʻĀina Momona seeks to develop aloha ʻāina tools and skills to enrich the experiences and bodies of ʻohana and kaiāulu. In addition to mālama of growing community participation, Hui Aloha ʻĀina Momona takes an ʻāina-based approach to growing meaningful and long term strategies to connect people to the land by continuing to empower…
Hui Aloha 808: Bathroom Brigades
Hui Aloha‘s “Bathroom Brigades” is a pilot project that engages houseless (“homeless” or “”unhoused”) residents and housed supply donors near high-use public parks or harbors, to support City/State staff in efforts to keep bathrooms open, safe, and clean during the COVID-19 outbreak. Each “Bathroom Brigade” support one park or harbor bathroom, and is anchored by…
Hui Mauli Ola
Hui Mauli Ola, founded in Hawaiian traditions and spiritual practices, is a non-profit organization of multidisciplinary cultural practitioners who are committed to promoting and improving the health and well being of our communities through empowering and providing access to quality care and educational opportunities. HMO aims to support intercultural exchange for practitioners to foster indigenous…